Lamar Hosts Successful HBCU College Fair
As the spring semester comes to a rapid end, many upperclassmen are solidifying plans for college. For our younger students, the reality that high school doesn’t last forever is also a growing thought. Options for college, career and the military are consistently discussed here at Lamar.
Today was all about college.
Thursday morning, several recruiters and representatives from various Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) convened in the Lamar gymnasium. Their collective goal: share the culture, pride and endless opportunities that all exist on these prestigious campuses.
Mission accomplished.
Moments into the long-anticipated college fair – junior Reagan Lewis quickly identified her top three college choices. “I already spoke with the recruiters from Jackson State, Prairie View A&M and Clark Atlanta,” Lewis said. “Even though I’m originally from Mississippi, I know I’ll go to the school with the best nursing program.”
Throughout the larger of the Lamar gymnasiums – the presenters distributed brochures, school paraphernalia and even their respective contact information. DJ 4.0 kept the music going and even the members of various fraternities and sororities put on a show for students. The glimpse into Greek Life on an HBCU campus appears to be of significant interest to many of the students.
“I think it’s important to expose our students to opportunities where they can see themselves,” English teacher Janelle Herron shares. “Seeing your same skin color and hairstyle can be very impactful for young people of color.”