New Expectations mean more Orientations

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 With a new year came new changes. New students. New faculty and staff. New rules.

Students attended mandatory orientations on Aug. 27 and 28 during their English class. Through Power Point presentations, students were introduced to administration and support staff members, bell schedules, lunches, dress code, ID requirement, and Lamar Pride.

“I think the more team-oriented procedures are this year, the better things will be,” junior Abby Brown said. “It’s really going to help boost confidence in our fellow students.” 

Counselors and other administration, such as SRO officers and intervention specialist James Tucker, gave brief descriptions of what their role in the school is and how each of them could help a student in need. Topics included teen pregnancy, families in transition, and drop-out prevention were discussed and resources given for each.

 Principal Andy Hagman added to the presentations regarding unity and working hard to get better, not to be perfect.

 “You’re might not be perfect, but you can be better than yesterday,” Hagman said. “We have many good people and programs at Lamar.”

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