A uniform a day keeps the coaches at bay
Lamar’s girls soccer season has not come to an official beginning, yet the conversations, from those who participate in practice, have to do with a similar interest: uniforms. There are a total of seven uniforms for each girl on the team – five practice uniforms and two game day uniforms – and a few of the girls wondered why.
The girls soccer team is required to wear a different color practice uniform for each day of practice in order to present an organized front. If they do not wear the correct colored uniform on the designated day, the team will suffer consequences. Jana Hammonds, the head women’s soccer coach at Lamar, calls the repercussions Do Rights. A majority of the Do Rights are cardio exercises such as gassers, a sprint that consists the entire width of the field. Even if just one of the girls wears the incorrect uniform, all members of the team are required to partake in the Do Right.
“Just like every other situation, there is a consequence to their actions, so the entire team would have a Do Right because of one or two particular athletes,” Hammonds said. “It just gives the girls an idea that, if you make a mistake at a game, it affects all of us as a unit.”
Four out of the five practice days, the uniforms are supplied to the team from previous years. Hammonds said she does this in order to phase out past uniforms while still getting use out of them. On the final practice day, the team wears a new, student-designed uniform.
All practice uniforms, from past and present years, were designed by students with inspirational quotes that are often referred to by the coaches. Last year’s quote was “stay humble and hustle hard.” This year’s quote, which was designed by the team’s coaches and seniors, reads “Earn it. Mind/Matter.”
“They are cute, soft and simple,” senior Catherine Powers said. “I think it’s a really creative way to honor the seniors on the team while also getting them involved.”
While the different uniforms are not an everyday topic of conversation, a few of the girls on the soccer team, such as Elli Wolff, find it burdensome to ask another teammate what uniform to wear the prior night.
“I understand wanting to all look the same and uniform, but it’s a lot to keep up with,” Wolff said. “I finish homework and relax for a bit, but at that point, figuring out what color uniform I need to wear is the farthest thing from my mind and a bit annoying, too.”