Lamar Robotics Advances to Regionals

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Lamar’s Robotics team is preparing for their regionals competition. They have jumped multiple hurdles to reach an agreement and finish their robot.

Along the way, they had disputes within the team but quickly regrouped like any great team would. Other challenging hurdles were creating just the right specifications to make their robot move, lift and drop certain objects.

“Whenever something would happen and it would affect our team, we would have circle time to grow and come back together,” said freshman Jon-Ethan Wilson.

The team participated in the Boosting Engineering Science & Technology (BEST) competition on January 19th. Although they didn’t advance at this competition it turned out to be a good experience for them.

“For our BEST competition we didn’t do so well, but we did grow as a team,” senior Morgan Hill said. “For FTC, we did start off a lot better.”

Lamar’s Robotics team competed with 27 other schools at the First Tech Challenge (FTC) on Saturday, January 26th and advanced to Regionals. Along with the advancement, they made second place in the Inspire Award, third place in the Motivate Award, and also received the Rockwell Collins Award.

“I think for our first competition, we didn’t do so hot. Then the second one, we did better. Then there’s this one,” said Hill.

Since the first FTC event, the team has made improvements to their robot in preparation for Regionals. The Regionals FTC is their next competition on Saturday, February 23rd in Wylie, Texas. There, they will compete against 52 other schools.

“I’m extremely proud of the kids,” said robotics sponsor Denis Pugh. “It’s a process of learning how to get along together and work together well.”

Congratulations to the Robotics team on this year’s achievements, and good luck at Regionals!

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