EDITORIAL: Senior Bummer
Seniors hope to make memories before the year is over
Many seniors at Lamar are not enjoying their last year of high school. The school has yet to plan any senior events that include them having fun. The people in charge of senior activities needs to plan some senior events so seniors can leave high school with good memories.
Several seniors have been complaining about how boring the school year has been for them. Senior year is supposed to be the best memories we have from high school. It is already the second semester and seniors haven’t done any type of cool activities together. Some suggestions, such as senior movie night on the football field, have been shut down due to other issues such as turf getting everywhere and food waste on the field.
Recently, many fights have been happening at Lamar, and fighting is one of the biggest issues the Lamar staff is concerned about. Instead of canceling all events for seniors, the staff should only let seniors with no suspension and no referrals into senior events. Events such as senior lock-in, senior car wash, etc can help raise money for prom. Prom is expensive and it’s not going to completely get paid for just going to restaurants and buying food so 15 percent can be donated to prom. There needs to be events that everyone can enjoy and have fun doing. Seniors will make more money for prom that way.
There has yet to be any discussion about a senior project and senior trip. Both of these are traditional events that seniors get to enjoy each year. Other concerns may be about the Covid-19 spread. Students should be required to maintain social distancing and wear a mask around crowds regardless of whether they are vaccinated. These precautions can ensure a safe, but still fun and much-needed tradition. There should be no reason why senior events can’t happen for the class of 2022. If everyone puts in the effort to help and raise money, everything can go well.
Seniors deserve a year to remember in high school before they leave and start a new life. Lamar should put more effort into trying to plan a senior event for seniors, so they leave high school with great memories about their class and classmates.