Senior Year During a Pandemic

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The 2020-2021 school year remains an unprecedented one as classes and the majority of students continue to be online and learn virtually. This new method of learning has been especially challenging for seniors. Pushing through their last year of high school, seniors attempt to keep their grades and their heads up.

The seniors were tasked to adapt very quickly and still often deal with uncertainty in virtual learning since it is a new style of learning. Many say the sudden change did not become an easy experience. With the state of the world holding lots of uncertainties, students pushed through and continue to overcome obstacles.

“The change was definitely a learning experience,” says senior Leila Gonzales. “It was a struggle to get the motivation to work on your own and being self-disciplined… It was a good wake-up call for college”.

Overall, the online learning experience brings a disconnect between students as well as teachers. Students don’t get to see fellow classmates as often, and teachers don’t get to see many faces when they’re teaching. This leads to a decline in mental health, esteem, as well as decreased motivation to work and stay focused. Both teachers and students feel a greater sense of isolation than in past years.

“I feel like I’m missing out on a lot of things this school year,” said senior Aditi Patel. “There’s a big disconnect between the teachers and the students, even in their live meetings, which leads to a disconnect in learning”.

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