Officer ‘Mama’ says goodbye to Lamar family

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Friday, March. 12, was officer Rice last day at Lamar.

Students and staff loved officer Rice. Students would be near her desk throughout the day just to get motherly love and advice. 

“Rice impacted the students and the staff by her consistency with always being consistent with the students and faculty,” truancy officer Tanisha Collins said. 

Rice tried to keep students from making choices that would lead them to no good . 

“She was consistent with the students, because she’ll always say, ‘this is the rule, this is what we’re going to do and guide them in the right direction, so they’ll have a good day and still know their responsibilities and their expectations,”’ Collins said. 

Rice never minded looking out for a staff member or student. 

“Rice is like a friend… a second mother,” assistant principal Crishetta Willis said. “She always gives me advice and makes sure I’m fed properly. She brings me snacks and what not, and is always willing to work with students all the time.”

Rice also had stories to tell that would make students think of their current situation. 

“I will miss having officer Rice around,”  senior Aryonne Nealy said. “It sucks that we won’t have a spot to hang around during our off period like we once did before.”

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