Seniors confused about TSIA testing
Many seniors at Lamar were surprised to learn that they would be taking an additional test after completing the Texas College Bridge.
Texas College Bridge is a self-paced curriculum to determine college readiness for students.While the Texas Success Initiative Assessment (TSIA) is similar in that it also offers students the opportunity to not take remedial classes in college if they pass the test. For most colleges in Texas, it is a requirement to take the TSI if you plan to attend. However, last year, juniors and seniors were told by their teachers that if they completed Texas College Bridge, they would be exempt from taking the TSIA.
“I was informed by my math teacher Ms. [Jenna] Diederich and then my English teacher Mr. [Nathaniel] Thames and it was relayed to us that it was required from the main office that we were going to have to take the TSI after completing Texas College Bridge,” senior Hannah Head said.
Assistant Principal Teri Williams is the coordinator relating to all things dual enrollment. If a student wants to earn a College, Career and Military Readiness (CCMR) point, which is an indicator on a student’s readiness for college, they can contact Williams. She admitted that students should have received effective communication so they can understand the reasoning behind the testing.
“TSI is not required. It’s something that we’re offering as an opportunity and I don’t think that unfortunately kids can, at this point, see the value in it sometimes,” Williams said. “However, we know how valuable it is and how much money it can potentially save you, so that’s the reason why we are pushing it. Otherwise, you can do Texas College Bridge and be done with it.”
Some students now knowing the reason behind this action still do not feel satisfied.
“I guess had I known that beforehand, maybe it would have been worth it;” senior Isaiah Robinson said. “But, I mean we were told that doing Texas College Bridge would have been fine by itself.”
Senior Deja Banks, who recently learned about the impact behind the TSIA test, said she felt like the value in it depended on certain circumstances.
“Is it worth it?” Banks said. “If you’re going out of state… yes. But if you’re in Texas in a certain area, it is not worth it because you’re already probably exempt from taking the TSI for those colleges.”