Students put thinking caps on for Viking University
Viking University is a new student-led program for individuals who need assistance with school work, tutoring or preparation for college.
The new program takes place every Tuesday and Thursday from 3 to 5:30 p.m. at Lamar’s library. It is described as a collaborative study group, and is a free, obtainable program for all students to participate in. Students, working on similar, or the same, subjects (math, English, history, and science) will be grouped together and have the ability to ask questions and/or help other struggling students.
“It was just really neat to see whoever the student leader was … lead the discussion and lead the group,” said Jodie Kavanaugh, an AVID teacher and Viking University leader at Lamar. “Almost like a tutorial session… ‘OK, here’s the problem in front of us. What steps did you take?What resources did you use?’ and then just seeing them work together and kind of feed off each other to help come up with an answer.”
Viking University was initially implemented by Assistant Principal Suzanne Watson so students could regain skills (note taking, communication, leadership, etc…) they may have forgotten over the past two years due to online school. The program offers students the opportunity to connect with others. Additionally, the new program also provides students attending with a sense of ownership in their learning.
“Instead of somebody saying, ‘Oh, the answer is five.’ it’s “OK, how did you get to five?’… and having them work through it,” Kavanaugh said.
Junior Rori Green said she had a positive experience at Viking University.
“I was just so satisfied when people willingly took the time to explain the math homework I had, step-by-step,” she said. “People were helping me understand the ‘why’ of the problems rather than just telling me the answers. It was refreshing to finally be around people who understood where I’m coming from.”